HLH Archives

Archives - Quick Search (Commercial)

  • Sale
  • £36.00

The Highland Archive Service offers a paid research service whereby members of our staff will undertake research on your behalf. If you are undertaking research on behalf of a commercial operation, our commercial research rates apply. If you are unsure if this applies to you, please get in touch with an Archive Centre directly.

The Highland Archive Service offers a paid research service whereby members of our staff will undertake research on your behalf. Our Quick Search service applies if you:

  • require us to confirm a name, date or address in our records

If you have an enquiry which you believe we could satisfy with a quick search please contact us and we will advise whether this is possible. The nature of some collections means that a quick search is not feasible.

Please do not proceed before contacting an Archive Centre and receiving a quote.

Please note that this cost is for staff time. Should you require photocopies etc., there may be an additional charge. 

Please note there is always the possibility that during the course of our search we will not discover pertinent information.  If this should be the case no refund will be given.